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Gloucester Pickleball Club hosts tournaments

Winners of last month’s Gloucester Pickleball Club Men’s Singles Pickleball Tournament were, from left, Antonio Morales (third place), Zach Blanks (first place) and Carlos Morales (second place).

The Gloucester Pickleball Club hosted the Round Robin Saturday Tournament for Men’s and Women’s Doubles at Newington Baptist Church indoor gymnasium.

Eight men’s teams and five women’s teams played for prizes in a round robin format. The top four teams from each group then moved on to a single-elimination tournament for first, second and third places.

Bill Ingles and Bob Nealy won first place for the men, followed by Carlos Morales and Mike Raymer (second place) and Antonio Morales and James Callis (third place).

Susan and Erin Jenkins won the women’s group, followed by Joyce Coles and Michelle DaBell (second place) and Joanne Christie and Joan Rollins (third place).

Singles tournament

Last month, the Gloucester Pickleball Club hosted a Men’s Singles Pickleball Tournament. T...

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