Comix Con, a comic and action hero program, will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday at the Gloucester Library in Main Street Center.
Organizers expect more than 3,000 people to attend the event, said coordinator Sissi Mise, the library’s middle and high school coordinator. Last year’s event drew more than 2,000 people.
The program is being organized in conjunction with Jersey’s Cards and Comics at White Marsh Shopping Center (owner John Millington) and Conquest Comics, a publishing company.
The featured group will be LudoSport Light Saber Academy of Hampton, who will demonstrate various fighting techniques using light sabers. Many other groups will participate, with activities inside and outside the library.
The 501st Legion will attend whose members dress as Star Wars characters like Darth Vader and the Clones. Daleks, robots with Dr. Who, will appear as well.
Richmond Fantasy Inspired Hiking and Camping will present cosplay (costume play), performing fight scenes ...
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