Piper Hicks, 10, is this year’s CHKD one- and two-mile T-shirt design contest winner. The Gloucester girl’s artwork will be featured in this year’s 15th annual CHKD RunWalk in Norfolk.
In 2016, Piper’s younger sister, Brielle Hicks, was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a soft-tissue cancer. Brielle’s treatments, from 2016-2017, included numerous surgeries, proton therapy and chemotherapy.Brielle’s treatments were successful and she is considered to be NED—showing No Evidence of Disease. She continues to visit CHKD regularly for routine scans, tests and x-rays to follow her progress. Brielle celebrated her ninth birthday in March.
For Piper, having her only sibling receive a cancer diagnosis was stressful, confusing and extremely difficult. She spent months without having her mom and sister at home due to Brielle’s numerous hospital admissions.Piper understands CHKD’s important role in treating her sister and helping to fight her cancer. When the 2020 Run/Walk T-shirt design contest open...
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