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Gloucester Dukes tussle with Denbigh Patriots

The Gloucester High School boys’ varsity team played well, but fell to the Denbigh Patriots Friday, 72-42. Right from the opening tipoff, the Patriots played a full-court press. The Dukes would get possession back for a split second before having it snatched away. Most of the first quarter was played in the Patriots’ half of the court. The score for the first quarter ended with the Dukes having 6 points and the Patriots 16. Along with the beginning of the game, the Patriots started the second quarter with possession. However, Dukes’ number 11 Isaiah Lester came in at second quarter and stole two three-point shots for the Dukes. Later on, he scored another 3-pointer, but after that, the Patriots caught on to his game. By halftime, the Patriots had extended their lead to 33-18. In the third quarter, the Dukes started with possession. A lot of points were scored this period, a fair amount going to number 3 on the Dukes, Jayden Whiting. He also scored more in the fourth quarter, and ended...

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