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Gloucester Day to be observed Saturday

Gloucester County, Virginia will be celebrating its inaugural Gloucester Day on Saturday in collaboration with other Gloucesters around the nation and the globe.

On this day, Gloucester County Administrator Carol Steele will be participating at the site of the original Gloucester Day in Gloucester, England. Steele elected to travel to Europe on a personal vacation and timed the trip so she could attend the events, highlighting the Gloucester Collaboration project.

Earlier this year, Gloucester, Virginia, and Gloucester, England, formed the Gloucester Collaboration, and reached out to other communities with the same name, encouraging communication and collaboration.

The idea for the outreach came from an exchange where approximately a dozen representatives from Gloucester, Virginia, had the opportunity to meet with the HRH Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, in 2018. While in the past, there have been citizen exchanges from Gloucester, Virginia to Gloucester, UK as well as Gra...

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