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Gloucester Daffodil Club members attend national convention

Twenty-three members of the Gloucester Daffodil Club attended the American Daffodil Society National Convention in Herndon, held April 10-14.Daffodil growers, showers and enthusiasts from around the world were also in attendance.

The convention included presentations by many daffodil experts from the US and England, including Brent Heath of Brent & Becky’s Bulbs in Gloucester, said a press release, and the Gloucester club created the flower arrangements for the registration tables and dinner events and meetings. There were garden tours of several Washington Daffodil Society members’ homes, as well as tours of Dumbarton Oaks Garden in Washington, D.C., and Oak Spring Gardens, the former home of Paul and Bunny Mellon, in Upperville, Va.

Oak Spring Gardens is not open to the public, said the release, so the private tour of Bunny Mellon’s inspirational garden “was one of the highlights of the convention.”

The National Daffodil Show was held, as well. It included Horticulture,...

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