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Gloucester boards to discuss budget tonight

The budget and capital improvements will be the main topics of conversation at tonight’s joint meeting between Gloucester supervisors and school board members, beginning at 7 o’clock in the Gloucester High School auditorium.

Gloucester Point district supervisor Bobby Crewe will also address his desire to look into consolidating services between the county and schools at tonight’s meeting.

Superintendent of Schools Ben Kiser will open the meeting by presenting the proposed 2011-2012 school budget to the supervisors.

A representative from Davenport & Company, Gloucester County’s financial advisor, will be on hand to review the county’s current financial condition. The representative will also discuss information beneficial to adopting a formal capital plan.

County administrator Brenda Garton will discuss the county’s Comprehensive Plan Committee recommendations, which will begin to be implemented in FY 2012.

Finally, there is a closed m...

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