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Gloucester-based River Organics launches line of CBD products

River Organics, LLC, a Gloucester business founded by Adrienne Joseph, has officially launched its line of USDA-certified organic CBD tinctures and massage oils. The products and process were all on view during a tour of the farm last week.

SHERRY HAMILTON / GAZETTE-JOURNALThe team also includes, shown here in the greenhouse, Farm Manager Donny Gilman, Operations Manager Ryan Cross, owner Adrienne Joseph and Joshua West.

The CBD oil used in the products comes from hemp, and that hemp is grown and harvested on a five-acre parcel at Joseph’s family farm on the Ware River, overseen by Farm Manager Donny Gilman. Gilman said he starts the product from seed in the onsite greenhouse, using different varieties that grow well in Gloucester and staggering the seed cultivation to make the planting process for 5,000 plants manageable for a small team.
Varieties are chosen based on the CBD content, said Joseph. The goal is to select plants that will be high in CBD but low in THC, the component th...

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