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Gloucester artist wins RAL juried show

Seventy-six member artists entered 126 pieces of art for the November member show at the Rappahannock Art League Art Center in Kilmarnock.RAL executive director Doug Mock challenged member artists to deliver 125 pieces of art for “Anything Goes,” and the artists met the challenge. Part of the proceeds from entry fees will go to support Toys for Tots. This exhibit features artwork in photography, acrylics, oils, fiber art, mosaic, mixed media, sculpture, fused glass, watercolors, and oil and cold wax.
Artist/educator Sandy Manning judged the exhibit. Awards were presented at the Nov. 4 First Friday reception. First place went to “Searious Cravings,” a stabile created in the style of Alexander Calder, by Karyn Gallion of Gloucester. Manning said that the artist captured the theme with a whimsical construction that included an invitation for the audience to “Go Ahead! Turn the Crank.”
Second place went to “Taste by the Bay,” an acrylic painting of a boating party beneath the Norris Bridge...

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