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Gloucester approves civil penalty for drivers passing stopped school buses

The Gloucester Board of Supervisors, at its March 1 meeting, amended the county code to authorize Gloucester County Public Schools to install and operate cameras on school buses to catch red-light violators who pass stopped school buses during passenger pickup and drop-off.
The ordinance also calls for violators to pay a civil penalty charge of $250, with that money going to the schools.The ordinance allows for schools to contract a third-party vendor to install the cameras on school buses and to assist in the monitoring and identifying violators. Violators caught will have 30 days to pay the civil penalty or risk having an administrator fee be added to it.
“We’ve got a problem here,” said Gloucester County Sheriff D.W. Warren Jr. “Thank God we haven’t had a fatality related to this but I’m telling you, we’ve had a lot of close calls and I do not have enough deputies to follow every one of these school buses every day.”
The outside vendor assumes the risk if the camera system does not ...

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