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Letter: Gibson for supervisor

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
We are writing to endorse Ken Gibson as a member of the Board of Supervisors for the Petsworth District. We have known Ken and Beth Gibson since their move to Gloucester County in 2009. As a community lawyer, Ken has aided many people pro bono that I have sent to him that were without means to pay. He is a valued member of our community who listens to the needs of folks and shares his wisdom in a caring and concerned manner.
Ken served honorably in the Marines and knows the value of teamwork, commitment to our country and completing a mission. As a former federal and state prosecutor, Ken knows how important law and order is to our nation and will be able to see solutions to problems that need to be addressed in Gloucester County. Continued support for local police and first responders will remain a top priority for Ken. Ken also understands the value of keeping taxes low for everyone and has a plan to accomplish this.
Ken and Beth are very family and faith ori...

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