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GHS students compete in robotics world championships

Four Gloucester High School students competed in the 2012 VEX Robotics World Championship held last Thursday through Saturday in the Anaheim Convention Center in California. Students Chris Feigh, Zach Tilley, Josh Shulz and Katie Mortensen, with coaches Rusty West and Dan Holloway, made the trip along with their robot.

West said there were four high school divisions in the championship, each with 99 teams. He said the Gloucester students went 5-5 in competition, and finished in about the middle of their division. "We all learned a lot about competing on this level with the best teams in the world, and the students are enthusiastic that they will be back to show they are a force to be known," said West.

The experience, West said, reinforced his belief that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education is essential for today’s students. "Seeing the students from around the world who were at this event really makes me appreciate how much we m...

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