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GHS places 3rd, Mathews 5th at Invitational

Gloucester wrestler J.R. Jones placed fourth in the heavyweight class during Saturday’s Mathews Invitational.
Mathews wrestler Cody Deagle, at right, faces off against an opponent at the Mathews Invitational. Deagle placed second in the 132 lbs. weight class.

Gloucester finished third overall as a team, while Mathews placed fifth as the Blue Devils played host to teams from throughout the region on Saturday in the Mathews Invitational. A total of 13 teams competed.

Gloucester had one wrestler win his weight class—Josh Seaton placed first in the 170 lbs. weight class. Two other Dukes—Ethan Baker (182 lbs.) and Ty Baker (120 lbs.) came in second, while Joey Foley and Skyler Stevenson took third and fourth places, respectively, at 195 lbs. J.R. Jones finished in fourth place as a heavyweight.

Mathews, meanwhile, had runners-up in four weight classes—Alexis Deagle (106 lbs.), Jacob Brown (126 lbs.), Cody Deagle (132 lbs.) and Brady Wright (170 lbs.).

Last Wednesday, Mathews ho...

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