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GHS fails to meet full state accreditation

Gloucester High School has failed to meet the standards for full accreditation by the Virginia Department of Education for the current school year due to its passing rate on state mathematics assessments.

Cindy Carmine, the Gloucester school division testing director, reviewed the state accountability program and how the local division measured up for the Gloucester School Board on Tuesday.

A school receives an accredited with warning rating if its pass rate for any of the four core subject areas of English, history/social studies, mathematics and science are below the levels required for full accreditation, or if the three-year average pass rate is below the mark.

The GHS pass rate in math was 58 percent for the past academic year, dropping the three-year average to 67, with both numbers short of the accreditation benchmark of 70. Carmine pointed out that statewide the number of schools with the accreditation warning status increased from 99 to 395.

Schools that receive the ...

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