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Gen. Chesty Puller to be celebrated Saturday

Saturday will be a day to celebrate the life and legacy of Marine Lt. Gen. Lewis Burwell “Chesty” Puller.Born in West Point in 1898, Puller is the most decorated Marine in American history. In 1955, he retired to the childhood home of his wife, Virginia, in Saluda.
Festivities in memory of Puller begin at 7:30 a.m., with the running of the 14th annual Chesty Puller 10K. The foot race will start and finish at Town Park, 9th and Kirby streets, West Point.
Online registration can be found at For more information about the event, visit
At 1 p.m., Marine Corps League Detachment 1317 in Gloucester and the Middlesex County Museum and Historical Society will hold a special event honoring Puller at 1 p.m. the museum in Saluda.
The ceremony will include a rededication of the “New Puller Park.” Among the speakers will be Puller’s youngest daughter, Martha Downs, an...

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