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Gardening in the Northern Neck returns Saturday

The 30th Gardening in the Northern Neck seminar will be held on Saturday at Lancaster Elementary School in Kilmarnock from 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Hydrangea expert Lorraine Ballato will advise how to succeed with hydrangeas, Mary Palmer Dargan will share tips on fitting your landscape into your lifestyle, and Barbara Ellis will provide ideas for containers and small space gardens.

Seminar attendees will also be treated to an array of information and products provided by local vendors including Capt. Tom’s Oyster Floats, featuring the Taylor Float that promotes rapid growth from spat to mature oyster. Rappahannock Adventures operates a small native plant nursery in Tappahannock and will demonstrate propagation techniques. Darlene’s Glass Café will showcase glass-fused artistry including windchimes, garden stakes, and more.

Returning vendors include Wicomico Forge Gardenworks with specialized metal works available for purchase. Miller’s Greenhouses will be back with a special selec...

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