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Frye, Gibbs, Morgan for school board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Mathews County schools, as most other public school systems, are now facing tremendous challenges. These require the recruitment of dedicated individuals with a strong commitment to educational excellence who are willing to make tough decisions. Sharon Frye and her colleagues, incumbent school board member Dr. Mari Gibbs and former Mathews teacher Mr. Calvin Morgan, are just such people. All are running for one of the three open seats on the Mathews school board.

Sharon has been a resident of Mathews for the past 15 years. A retired RN, she spent the last six of her 50-year nursing career working in the county. Having raised two children, now practicing physicians, she has always had a special interest in education and at one time ran as a candidate for the school board in Powhatan County. She is active in her church and Hands Across Mathews and has served on the committees for Market Days, Parks and Recreation, and VA-250. She has also signed onto the n...

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