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Letter: Freedom of speech

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Only despotic governments restrain freedom of speech.

On Dec. 5, the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors temporarily allowed unrestrained freedom of speech for public comments.

For this moment, I felt free as the Founding Fathers must have felt when they first entered the Gloucester County courthouse when this Commonwealth of Virginia government, republican in form, was established.

Yet, after adjournment, to avoid public record, by unanimous consensus/acquiescence the BOS reestablished their despotic time restrained public comments.

Under the Bill of Rights Article I Constitution of Virginia, a contract, the people, Grantors, from whom government derives limited power, grant expressly written limited rights to elected officials under signed sworn oaths and their agents.

Constitution of Virginia Article I Section 14: Government Ought to be Uniform. “That the people have a right to uniform government; and, therefore, that no government sepa...

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