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Free summer STEM camp offered at MHS

The Mathews High School Robotics Team, “Rocket Sauce JR,” is sponsoring a free STEM summer camp at MHS for students ages 12-17 from 9 a.m. to noon on June 17-20.
There is no cost for this program, but space is limited to 15 participants.
Registration will end June 1. No prior experience with robots is necessary. This will be an introductory overview for new and experienced students using Raspberry Pi microcontrollers, GoPiGo robots and an introduction to the robot that the team will build this fall.
Students will learn to build, program and operate a small robot. The four-day camp will be broken down as follows:
June 17—Introduction. General description of concepts and devices involved in building a functioning robot: Design, required systems, construction components, materials and methods.
June 18—Mechanical theory: Chassis, wheels, drive method, apparatus.
June 19—Electrical theory: Selection of drive motors, servo motors and other motors for apparatus.

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