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Four ABC laws go into effect

Beginning this past Saturday, July 1, four laws impacting the operation of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority, its licensees and applicants for ABC licenses took effect. The Virginia General Assembly passed the following Virginia ABC-related legislation during the 2023 session, and Gov. Glenn Youngkin has since signed them into law.

Crossover Product Rules (HB 1979 and SB 809)—Both bills established guidelines for licensees regarding the display of alcoholic beverages near non-alcoholic beverages of the same or similar branding, logo or packaging. The new law was created to address innovative “crossover products” that contain alcohol and may cause consumer confusion or appeal to an underage audience.

Virginia ABC developed resources addressing crossover products for licensees, including stickers and a product guide. In July, ABC’s Bureau of Law Enforcement agents will distribute these resources, which will also be available online.

Employment Restrictions Relax...

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