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For Saulman

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Gloucester County citizens have a unique opportunity to elect a representative to our school board that has actually had experience in the schools.

Cindy Saulman served as the DARE officer for 29 years in every elementary school and every middle school in Gloucester County. This experience gave her a perspective you cannot obtain any other way. She was able to see firsthand what the students and teachers need on a daily basis. She was able to observe every aspect of what it takes to be an effective school system. She understands what it takes to deliver effective lessons, what it takes to keep buildings safe, what it takes to meet the needs of students and their parents.

Cindy was the DARE officer under my leadership as principal; therefore, I was able to observe her dedication to her job and the positive camaraderie she enjoyed with others in the school and outside the school.

Cindy Saulman also has an understanding of laws and safe practices afte...

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