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For Post, Nash, Baker, Engquist, Seabolt

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Our school board stands at a crossroads, and the impending election offers a golden opportunity to align it with the values and aspirations that are intrinsic to Gloucester County. With Darren P. Post, Matthew Ray Nash, Jenn D. Baker, Ted W. Engquist, and David Conway Seabolt on the ballot, we have candidates who genuinely understand and advocate for family values, community-driven decisions, and the well-being of our educators.

It’s unsettling to note that in recent years, the decision-making process of our School Board has been heavily influenced by the Virginia School Boards Association, rather than the unique needs and ethos of our community. Disturbingly, the VSBA even endorsed the removal of “In God We Trust” from our schools, a proposal that unfortunately found its way onto a School Board meeting due to support from Troy Andersen, a current board member.The commitment of the aforementioned candidates to put parents and the community back at the he...

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