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For GHS wrestling, two underclassmen lead by example


From the outside, the home of Gloucester High School’s wrestling program doesn’t look like much.

The faded metal building has no windows and borders the weight room. Inside, worn-out mats from decades past bear the rips and scratches consistent with years of wrestlers being thrown to the ground. Metal and hip-hop take turns blaring over a speaker system as the team warms up.

From this spartan building, two young GHS wrestlers have emerged as state tournament hopefuls, racking up more than a dozen wins each barely halfway through the season.

Sophomore Austin Glockner and freshman Ethan Baker are two members of a Dukes program that has developed under the tenure of second-year head coach John Glockner. While they lack a full roster of upper weight class competitors, this team has grown into a squad that now expects to send athletes to state competition each season.

Glockner emerged as a state-level talent last year as a freshman and now in his sophomore season loo...

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