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FODR to host nature walk Sunday at origin location in Essex

The Dragon Run winds for 40 miles through four counties—Essex, King and Queen, Middlesex and Gloucester. For the first time, Friends of Dragon Run will host a nature walk at Powcan in Essex County. Guides will take guests into a wetland area where the Dragon originates. Guests will also visit a pond created by a large beaver dam.

The walk will be held from 1-3 p.m. Sunday. Apple cider and light snacks will be served after the walk.

Participants must be members, and they may bring family members and guests. Go to to join.

Part of the walk is in a wetland area; several water crossings help keep participants’ feet dry, a release said. However, with the recent rain and snow, there may be wet leaves, puddles, and uneven terrain on parts of the trail. Plan to wear waterproof shoes and dressing in warm layers of clothing, and to bring water, the release said.

This event is free, but registration is required. Go to and click the Register button on the h...

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