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FODR to dedicate preserve in name of Teta Kain

Next Thursday, June 22, the Friends of the Dragon Run will dedicate its preserve on Farley Park Road (Route 603) at the New Dragon Bridge in Middlesex County.

At 10 o’clock that day, FODR will dedicate the Teta Kain Nature Preserve in honor of one of the staunchest defenders of the Dragon Run watershed.

“The new name recognizes Teta Kain’s extraordinary volunteer service to Virginia and the Middle Peninsula through her decades of work on species counts, protecting swamps and wetlands, capturing nature through photography, as a nature guide for hikes and kayak tours, as a speaker about the natural world, as the leader of nature-focused organizations in Virginia, and as the organizer of bird counts, butterfly counts and moth nights,” a FODR release stated.

For 35 years, Kain has been a leader within the Gloucester-based organization, as a former president of FODR but perhaps better known as the kayak paddle guide who led more than 1,000 individuals on tours of the Dragon Run an...

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