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FODR speaker to address invasive aquatic species

Clint Morgeson of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources will discuss invasive aquatic species introduction in Virginia and will review past, present and future invasive species management at the next meeting of the Friends of the Dragon Run.

He will also cover some of DWR’s history and management of aquatic invasive fish species, especially in eastern Virginia. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday via Zoom. Visit for the Zoom link.

Morgeson’s presentation will cover the impact of invasive species on recreation, the economy, and the area’s natural heritage. His presentation also will explain how the risk is being managed and additional steps planned to manage aquatic invasives and introduced species.

A top challenge to preserving and protecting the Dragon Run watershed is identifying and mitigating the risks associated with invasive species already entrenched or establishing themselves in Virginia. FODR has expanded its citizen science initiatives to...

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