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Nature’s variety of shape and color is blooming in the gardens of Gloucester and Mathews residents. Please send your photos to

Shelley Tomlinson of Gloucester would like to know: what is this flower?Blue culinary sage and an abelia shrub from the Hayes garden of Roxanna and Bill Andersen.Roses from yard of Robin Dehoux at Moon. The petals start out looking peach-colored, but after blooming they are yellow with pink edges.Wild mountain laurel blooming inLaura Eggleston’s Gloucester garden.Rabbit found the white peonies at Wilson Creek Farm, Gloucester. Sent by Herbert Fitzgerald.Roses are in full bloom at the Gloucester home of Ronald and Toni Foster.A beautiful climbing hydrangea in bloom at the home of Gene and Janet Gomez.Pink peonies on Billups Creek in Moon, grown by Carolyn Hogge.Giant amaryllis sent by Martha Thompson Hudgins of Gloucester.Irises were transplanted from Grace-Providence United Methodist Church in Mobjack to the home of Heidi and Andy...

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