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Five Rivers Woman’s Club

Dr. Wesley Wilson was the guest speaker at the Five Rivers Woman’s Club’s luncheon meeting Monday at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Bena. Wilson spoke of the early history of the Tuskegee Institute and the Tuskegee Airmen and shared information on Hampton University and the Cappahosic Academy, a boarding school once located on the York River. He also spoke about T.C. Walker and Robert Russa Moton, an American educator and author, as well as the Cook Foundation, fundraising for the renovation of the Woodville Rosenwald School on Route 17, and the open house for Woodville that will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. Shown here, from left, are Five Rivers vice president Nancy Dwoyer, Wilson, and Five Rivers co-presidents Mindy Hardee and Jane Niethamer.

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