The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors has five public hearings scheduled for its meeting Tuesday night in the colonial courthouse. The regular meeting will begin at 7 o’clock and the public hearings will commence at 8.
The first public hearing will be on VDOT’s proposed six-year plan for fiscal years 2015-2020 and the secondary system construction budget for fiscal year 2014-2015.
Other public hearings will be held to consider an adoption of the county’s stormwater management ordinance in support of the development of a stormwater program; to consider amendments to the county code pertaining to mandatory connection to county sewer systems for new residential development; to consider amendments to the county ordinance dealing with alternative onsite sewage systems, and to consider a vacation of right-of-way adjacent to 1352 Laurens Road, Gloucester Point.
Another matter Tuesday night will include a discussion of a land and water conservation grant opportunity for ...
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