Hexagon Energy, LLC, of Charlottesville has expressed an interest in developing a large solar facility on Farys Mill Road near Ark.
Hexagon filed a pre-application for future site plan submittal with Gloucester County in early May. Corporate representatives met with the Gloucester Site Plan Review Committee on Monday.
However, as of Tuesday, no application for the project had been filed with the county, according to Gloucester’s director of planning and zoning Anne Ducey-Ortiz.
Matt Hantzmon, founder/chief executive officer/chairman of the Hexagon board, said he discussed preliminary ideas for the project with the site plan committee Monday. “We’re taking some good feedback from the meeting,” he said, which will help Hexagon design the project that could be in operation by the end of 2020.
Hexagon has an option to lease approximately 900 acres of land off Farys Mill Road, Hantzmon said. Part of the land is near Beaverdam Park.
Some of the property is now in farm...
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