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Farmers should band together to market their produce

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 18, 1909from the Mathews Journal

In the year just past it is estimated that Truck value of $4,000,000 was marketed from the two counties of Accomack and Northampton. It is known that the $2,500,000 was sold through the Eastern Shore Produce Exchange alone. Whatever is done there can be done here. There is no better trucking lands anywhere than ours. Mathews County ought to produce $50,000 from truck every year, and Gloucester County twice as much more. Since the organization of the Produce Exchange on the Eastern Shore those two counties—Accomack and Northampton—have become rich. Truckers there attribute their success in marketing, their products to their organization the Exchange.

A movement is afoot to organize a Producers’ Association which shall comprise of Mathews and Gloucester and truckers from any adjacent territory who may desire to come in.

110 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 12, 1914from the Mathews Journal

From Mobjack: Fearing you may imagi...

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