The Gloucester-Mathews Farm Bureau Board of Directors recently awarded eight scholarships to local students, totaling $8,000.
Presentations were made before the membership at the annual Producer Dinner Meeting held on Aug. 2 at Petsworth Baptist Church. Recipients were:
—Sam Cook of Gloucester, who will be studying computer science as a freshman at Lynchburg University.—Joshua Hook of Gloucester, who will be attending the University of Virginia as a freshman studying economics.—Cole Wheeler of Mathews, who will be attending Liberty University as a freshman studying civil engineering.—Joice Small of Mathews, who will attend the University of Virginia as a freshman studying civil engineering.—Daniel Hook of Gloucester, who will be studying mechanical engineering at Virginia Tech as a junior.—Jessie Mills of Mathews, who will be studying biomedical science at Mary Washington University as a junior.—Alex Mills of Mathews, who will be studying psychology at Mary Washington University as a j...
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