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Families pack ‘go bags’ to be ready for disasters

Five backpacks full of emergency supplies sit ready for action in Paul and Stephanie Miner’s front hall closet—one “go bag” for each family member, plus a small bag for their black lab.
The Gloucester family leaves nothing to chance when it comes to their safety. “We need to be prepared,” said Paul. “A natural disaster can happen at any time and we don’t want to get caught scrambling, especially since we have children.”
With extreme weather events escalating in frequency and severity in recent years, experts urge families to plan ahead for natural disasters., a FEMA website, recommends putting together a “collection of basic items” to last for several days, including food, water, a change of clothes, cash and a flashlight.
The Miners also rehearse scenarios like taking shelter during a hurricane or escaping a flood or fire.
“We practice going to the safest room in the house,” said Stephanie of a recent hurricane or tornado drill with their three daughters. The Miners also pra...

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