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Exchange Club to hold ‘BBQ & Bags’ Saturday at Moose Lodge

The Exchange Club of Gloucester-Mathews is holding is first community event, “BBQ & Bags,” Saturday at the Gloucester Moose Lodge with the goal of raising funds for community projects.

The event will be held from noon until 4 p.m. and includes a barbecue cook-off, a cornhole tournament, vendors, music, petting zoo, children’s activities and more.

Registration for the cornhole tournament begins at 11 a.m. Saturday. The cost is $25 per player. The first-place team in this double-elimination tournament will receive $200, second place will receive $100 and third place will win $50.

The barbecue cook-off will be a competition between seven exchange club members. Patrons can purchase a “plate ticket,” which includes a small sample of each contestant’s barbecue, a full sandwich of their favorite one, a soda and a bag of chips. The cost is $10 per plate. The competitor that sells the most sandwiches or sells out first will be crowned Barbecue Champion.

This event is in coopera...

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