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Every day should be Mother’s Day

Every day should be Mother’s Day because mothers are special.
Our child of yesterday was blessed with the sweetest mama a child could ever have. Honestly, everyone simply loved her soft-spoken mother. To say she was kind and caring to everyone is an understatement. In many ways she was strong but with a soft caring voice.
Nothing could stop her mother from helping her hungry or sad neighbors. It was a world of hard times with World War II in full force. Her daddy often said that when she got a bee in her bonnet, there was no stopping her.
She didn’t want anyone to know that she was the person helping or leaving an envelope with money and food stamps in a neighbor’s mailbox. She loved sewing homemade cloth rag dolls and cute stuffed puppy dogs for the little kids that needed something to hug. Truthfully, she often went out in the dark wearing her slippers to leave food and goodies behind someone’s screen door. She had close calls on being found out but it took years before anyone ever d...

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