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Equalization Board schedules dates to hear complaints

The Mathews County Board of Equalization has scheduled several meetings to hear complaints of inequalities regarding real estate tax assessments, including errors in acreage.

The board will meet in the historic courthouse on Court Street on the following Thursdays: Aug. 24, 1–7 p.m.; Sept. 7, 1–5 p.m.; Sept. 14, 1–7 p.m.; Sept. 21, 1–5 p.m.; and Sept. 28, 1–7 p.m.

Appointments will be scheduled every 30 minutes to minimize waiting, said a press release. To schedule an appointment, call 804-725-7168 between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Members of the Mathews Board of Equalization are Doug Wilton, Tom Karow and Yvette Gaither. The were appointed by the Mathews County Board of Supervisors at the June 27 board meeting.

Once it hears a complaint, which may be oral or written, the board will either increase the assessment, decrease the assessment, or affirm that the assessment was correct, said a press release.

However, before a change can be granted...

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