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Energetic Mike

From Seattle, Washington, where he was born and lived the early years of his life, to Gloucester, Virginia, this gentleman has had a lifetime of experiences covering many miles and through them all he has “always cooked for myself.”
Mike Nelson left his hometown to join the Air Force in 1972. After serving four years, Mike attended a special school expecting to continue Air Force base work; there he met a man from Langley Air Force Base in Hampton. “He told me when I finished to get in touch with him; he might have a job for me.”
Fast forward, Mike retired from Langley nine years ago after working for the government for 34 years. Yet he’s not completely retired and as he has a talent for repairing almost anything that needs help, his phone rings often. Mike also works with the Gazette-Journal several days a week. With his energy and zest for life, there really is no such thing as retirement for this man.
Mike does more cooking now than ever before. His wif...

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