Those four short words say so much about the men and women of law enforcement. It is their reason for putting on the uniform and badge, for stepping into harm’s way and putting their lives on the line, day after day.
They work all hours of the day and night for relatively little pay. And each time they step out the door, they know that they could find themselves in a dangerous, life-or-death situation—a domestic dispute, an accident scene on a busy highway at night, a burglary call. They don’t have the luxury to decide which call they will respond to and which they can ignore. And that’s what we rely upon them to do; when we call, they will be there.
The men and women of law enforcement often don’t see us at our best. But the vast majority treats us with respect and patience, even though it must be difficult at times.
This is National Police Week, which is set aside to honor and remember those law enforcement officers who made the ultimate sacrifice, as we...
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