Watching the coronavirus spread across the nation, across Virginia, and into this region, is sort of like watching a Category 5 hurricane creep through the southern Atlantic Ocean and then make that fateful turn to the northwest.
All of us on the East Coast are familiar with that feeling of dread: how bad will it be? where will it hit?
But we know that in a couple of weeks, come good news for us or bad news, the hurricane will soon be in the history books. Usually most regions escape the worst impact.
Here’s the difference. Bad as hurricanes can be, we know exactly how and when to prepare.
Bad as the coronavirus obviously is, we can do little to prepare except to keep away from group settings (for how long?), to keep our distance from others (we don’t know who has the virus until symptoms appear, then the test is slow), and to keep washing our hands and surfaces.
Apparently the virus will be going everywhere before it goes away. In the face of that, we have to carry on. We are a carri...
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