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Editorial: Teamwork

When things go wrong, news travels fast and everyone seems to have an opinion, and everyone seems to be not exactly shy in sharing it.

When things go right? We rarely hear the praise that should follow.

Late last month, on Wednesday, Nov. 29, the alarm came from Abingdon Elementary School.

Abingdon Fire and Rescue responded, and personnel were evacuated into the first really cold air of the season; fortunately, most children were still on buses.

Abingdon called for help from Gloucester VFR, which rolled quickly. Teams worked together to isolate and subdue the emergency.

Abingdon identified the location, quickly said the fire (if any) seemed to be out, and called for more backup to be sure.

Before long, all was determined to be safe, the children were able to get inside, and the firefighters traced the alarm to a spark in a heating unit. All was well.

The teamwork did not end there.

Dr. Anthony Vladu, superintendent of Gloucester Public Schools, made a telephone...

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