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Editorial: Spring cleaning

The weather’s getting warmer. Days are longer. Daffodils are blooming. Birds are singing. Spring is in the air.

While you’re getting back out in your yard or your garden after a long winter’s hibernation, or cleaning up the clutter that’s collected in your house over the past few months, you may also want to roll up your sleeves and join in with your friends and neighbors to spruce up your street, pick up the beer cans, fast-food bags and other debris that’s been thoughtlessly tossed out of a car or scooped out by the wind from the bed of a truck.

This Friday and Saturday, the Gloucester Clean Community will hold its Spring Clean Gloucester Day. Clean Gloucester Day is a part of the Great American Cleanup, a two-day effort to remove litter and improve community appearance across all 17 cities and counties in Hampton Roads.Gloucester’s Clean Community Coordinator Sherry Kosakowski has plenty of supplies for participants … grabbers, buckets, gloves, trash bags, and recording forms...

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