Don’t be cynical. Be thankful.
Watching the Daffodil Festival Parade on Saturday underlined a concept that is true to both Gloucester and Mathews.
Without volunteers, we would be poor in spirit. With the great number of groups working all the time in both counties, we are rich indeed.
It’s easy to be cynical and to say things like “They just meet for dinner” or “Those Shriners in their silly cars” and to pass off the purpose behind them. Rotary clubs, for instance, have taken on polio in the world and have nearly wiped it out. The Shriners fully fund hospitals for crippled and burned children.
Every group has a cause; sometimes the cause is the community itself.
Watch the Mathews Lions working, working, working in their food trailer; and think that the money they raise goes right back to the county, thousands of dollars to support other groups and to pay for local students’ educations.
Watch members of the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society put ...
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