Virginia’s transportation infrastructure literally falling apart, and what is Richmond’s solution? Selling the naming rights for highways and bridges. It would be almost laughable if it weren’t so sadly true.
One doesn’t have to look far to find evidence of crumbling infrastructure. Last week, the Virginia Department of Transportation placed additional weight restrictions on the bridge over Burke’s Mill Pond because of its deteriorated condition. A similar issue caused problems at the Gwynn’s Island bridge. Much-needed rehabilitation work will begin later this spring on Twigg Bridge between Mathews and Middlesex.
Nearly every locality in the state is facing the same issues. And, in almost every case, the response of VDOT is the same: doing just the bare minimum in order to keep these roads and bridges open for a little while longer. But VDOT is not to blame for this Band-Aid approach. After all, they’re doing the best they can with very l...
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