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Editorial: Into 2018

 “Fast away the old year passes,
 Hail the new, ye lads and lasses.”
If you sing enough verses of “Deck the Halls” you come to the lines above, which to us sum up the appeal of changing the calendar. Turning the page is a tidy concept: out with the old, in with the new.
Real life, of course, does not usually work that way. Families continue to grapple with difficulties, illnesses, tragedies; and businesses, while they may start a fresh set of books, still must strive to improve weaknesses and capitalize on strengths.
The New Year concept ignores the reality that life is a continuum.
But, at the same time, a fresh page signifies the chance to make a fresh start. That’s why so many people resolve to lose weight, stop smoking, work out more, and clean out the closets. The relative emptiness of January gives us a chance to make a running start on our vows. A few holidays may intervene, but for most people business is slow, school activities gi...

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