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Editorial: Due diligence

The proposal to give a portion of Mathews Court Green to two historic organizations raises many questions.
Putting aside the emotional aspects of the monument, which are profound, we urge the county to be sure it is standing on solid legal ground before proceeding.
The question, which will at some point come before a public hearing, is that a small square of land underneath the Confederate monument be given to the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. At the very least, if this transfer is approved, it should come with a reversion to the county clause in case the organizations cease to exist, and stipulations on how it can be used.
An auxiliary proposal, now on hold, enabling the erection of a monument to African-American veterans from Mathews with a similar transfer of land to a supporting organization, raises the same questions and requires the same answers.
Here are a few questions that should be addressed:
Has any other group ever been given a po...

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