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Editorial: Defy gravity

Moments of great joy are few and far between after a human being grows out of early childhood. Reality sets in with disappointments, defeats, and unfulfilled promise.

However, moments of great joy do occur. The weeks in May and June bring tremendous happiness to hundreds of local young people who graduate from college and high school. Putting one’s hand upon that diploma makes the recipient feel, for a moment, as if he or she is walking on air.

The same is true when a tremendous challenge is met and triumph results: this moment of joy is brought to you by the Mathews High School softball team, which returned to its hometown Saturday night with the state championship trophy held high.

Frowns lead to more frowns. Worries lead to more worries. Kind words are passed along and inspire their recipients to better things. Smiles beget smiles. The joy shared by a few spreads its beams to all of us, enabling us, for a brief shining moment, to defy gravity.

Our thanks to all the young p...

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