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Editorial: All the best

Congratulations to the local winners in Tuesday’s elections. That, unfortunately, was the easy part. The hard part comes now with governing—the constant daily struggle between limited resources and seemingly unlimited needs.
It’s a tough row to hoe, and one that requires a great deal of often-thankless, hard work.
To those who didn’t win, thank you for running. You have been a vital part of the election process, giving voters a choice. While you weren’t elected, you raised the level of debate, brought up issues that you felt needed to be addressed, and maybe opened your opponent’s mind to another point of view. Stay involved; keep being a part of the democratic process … we’re all the better for it.
To those who voted, thank you as well. It’s important to exercise your right. Like physical exercise, if you stop doing it for a while, your muscles will begin to atrophy. If you stop voting, then those running for office won’t fe...

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