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Editorial: About those letters…

There is a good chance a dozen or more individuals who have written letters to our Readers Write column are looking for those letters, in vain.

Frankly, dear readers, we had more correspondence than we could fit into our Readers Write columns, for several weeks now.

A few letters did not meet our criteria which ask for a signature, a phone number and an address. Some came in support of a candidate from individuals who had written earlier letters for that candidate; we simply do not have the room for multiple endorsements by the same person.

And a good many letters are held out this week because we have given all the space available to election matters. After Tuesday, we hope to be back to normal.

We value your correspondence and are especially grateful when you keep your letters short and to the point. Those letters, in fact, have the best chance of being printed.

Thanks for writing, and please have patience. We run all the letters that we can.

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