The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #75 of Gloucester is asking for community donations in order to increase the number of Gloucester County delegates they are able to send to next year’s Virginia Girls State.
The 2023 American Legion Auxiliary Virginia Girls State will be held in June at Longwood University.
The Girls State program, started in 1946, “epitomizes the ALA’s mission to honor those who have brought us our freedom through our enduring commitment to develop young women as future leaders, grounded in patriotism and Americanism,” a release stated. The program is designed to teach young women the democratic process and how the republic form of government works at the state and national level, in a nonpartisan setting, assuming the roles of government leaders. More information can be found online at
The cost of ALA Virginia Girls State is underwritten by state-level American Legion units, with additional support and funding coming from civic and nonprofit or...
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