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Dominion responds to concerns about smart meter technology

During the Gloucester Board of Supervisors’ Aug. 15 meeting, York District representative Phillip Bazzani voiced concerns over smart utility meters that are currently being installed on homes throughout the area. He stated that he would opt-out of the smart meter program and advised others to do the same.

A big concern for Bazzani was that these meters emit radio frequency. He cited an article by the American Cancer Society that says these frequencies could be carcinogenic to humans and can cause a number of health problems for those exposed to it. As the smart meters work wirelessly, he also pointed to the threat of cyberattacks. He said a cyberattack could shut down Gloucester’s grid.

Dominion response

In response to the comments made, Dominion Energy External Affairs Manager Crystal Bright said, “Smart meters are safe and do not impact your health. Just like cell phones, laptops and other wireless devices, smart meters use radio frequency signals, but at much lower levels....

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